"Vodii Tulporlari"
A complex for breeding the Karabair horse breed, Vodiy Tulporlari, opened in the city of Kuvasay, Fergana region. As reported by the Federation of Horse Breeding and Equestrian Sports, horses are mainly raised here for military personnel and organizations of the Vatanparvar system.
The complex on an area of 2.5 hectares is equipped with open and closed arenas with a modern drainage system and a solarium. The soil consists of quartz sand from the Zheroy deposit in the Navoi region. The complex is ready to receive guests who want to organize national and international competitions here. Along the perimeter of the open arena there is a stand with 180 seats and six gazebos.
Three stables, one of which is intended for young animals, have all the amenities for quality care of horses. Drinkers, feeders and other accessories in the stalls were brought from abroad. Barriers for sports games are manufactured by domestic enterprises in accordance with international standards, the report notes. A special swimming pool and a sand walk were built on the territory of the complex. In addition, there is a laboratory with the necessary equipment, including ultrasound machines and blood analyzers.
Agro tourism
Rural tourism (or agro tourism) is a type of tourism that involves temporary stay of tourists in rural areas for the purpose of recreation and/or participation in agricultural work; a sector of the tourism industry focused on the use of natural, cultural, historical and other resources of rural areas and its specifics to create a comprehensive tourist product.
Mandatory condition: tourist accommodation facilities, individual or specialized, must be located in rural areas or small cities without industrial and multi-storey buildings.
First of all, rural tourism is expected to provide calmness and regularity of rural life, clean air, silence and natural products, comfortable living conditions, home atmosphere, reasonable prices, a sense of closeness to nature, getting new impressions, getting acquainted with local traditions, opportunities for entertainment for children and leisure for adults.
Initially, rural tourism in Russia arose as a result of the development of the hotel industry in large resort areas (seaside resorts of the Black and Azov seas, sanatorium centers).
At present, due to the changed economic situation in the agricultural sector, characterized by increased mechanization and automation of agricultural production and a decrease in the number of people engaged in the production of agricultural products, the question of finding new types of activities that would replace or Supplement agricultural activities has become acute.
The development of agro tourism in the territories perfectly solves this problem, since it is the tourist component that can become a "catalyst" for the economic growth of the village. There are several explanations for this.
First, tourist activity is attractive with small initial investments, because for the villagers who have very limited funds, this is almost a defining moment.
Secondly, tourism is a profitable sector of the economy with a high level of profitability, a minimum payback period, which is very important for quick income generation.
With the continuing trend of increasing demand for tourist services in the world and in Russia, rural tourism services are taking an increasing place. This is due to the prerequisites of an urban nature, the increase in the length of vacations, and the increased interest of people to travel. Adding to the interest is the small income of the majority of the Russian population, which makes rural tourism often the only possible way to get a full vacation for a very reasonable fee.
The development of agro tourism raises the economy of the village. Improved economic structure of the villages, stimulated the development of industries involved in the hospitality industry, are utilized in the economy of those villages which were formerly depressed, hopeless for the development of other activities.