Typical structure of territorial departments of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism development
No. |
Full name |
Occupation |
1 | Axmedov Xurshid Rustamovich | Head of the Tourism Department of the Ferghana region |
2 |
Temirov Muzaffar Temirovich |
Deputy Head of the Tourism Department of the Ferghana region |
3 | Davlatyorova Dildoraxon Xojidada kizi |
Chief Specialist in Human Resource Development |
4 |
Hakimova Oygul Odilovna |
Chief accountant |
5 | Toshboltaev Elyorbek Kholnazar | Chief Specialist in Performance Discipline and handling appeals |
6 | Khudayberdiev Muhammadrizo Bakhtiyorovich | Chief Specialist in Aggregate Information Analysis and Statistics |
7 |
Khaydarova Manzurakhon Sattorjon qizi |
Head of the Department for the Development of Inbound, Domestic and Pilgrimage Tourism |
8 | Khudayberdiev Muhammadrizo Bakhtiyorovich (Temporary acting) | Chief Specialist in Archival Affairs |
9 | Makhsudov Umijon Tohirovich | Head of the Department for attracting investments, working with entrepreneurs and coordinating their activities |
10 |
Nabiev Otabek Valizhon ugli | Chief specialist in attracting investments, working with entrepreneurs |
11 | Akhmedov Isomiddin Rustamovich | Head of the Department of Diversification of Tourism Services and Infrastructure Development |
12 | Mamajonov Akhror Bakhtiyorovich | Chief specialist in diversification of tourism services and infrastructure development |
13 | Mirzaev Shakhboz Homidullaevich | Chief specialist for the development of inbound, domestic and pilgrimage tourism |
14 |
Djuraev Bekzodbek Khairullaevich |
Main specialist in work with PR, marketing research, international relations and ratings |
15 | Yuldashev Mukhtarjon Kosimovich | General Counsel |
16 | Zokirova Nodira Anvarovna | Chief specialist in the field of tourism and work with educational institutions |
17 | Tursunboev Davronjon Kakhramonovich | Head of the economic part of the Department |
18 | Ermatov Bakhodirjon Muhammadiyorovich | Executive Secretary |
19 | Dekhkonov Abrorzhon Tolipovich | Driver |