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Typical structure of territorial departments of the State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism development





 Full name


1 Axmedov Xurshid Rustamovich Head of the Tourism Department of the Ferghana region

Temirov Muzaffar Temirovich

Deputy Head of the Tourism Department of the Ferghana region
Davlatyorova Dildoraxon Xojidada kizi
Chief Specialist in Human Resource Development

Hakimova Oygul Odilovna

Chief accountant

5 Toshboltaev Elyorbek Kholnazar Chief Specialist in Performance Discipline and handling appeals
6 Khudayberdiev Muhammadrizo Bakhtiyorovich Chief Specialist in Aggregate Information Analysis and Statistics

Khaydarova Manzurakhon Sattorjon qizi

Head of the Department for the Development of Inbound, Domestic and Pilgrimage Tourism
8 Khudayberdiev Muhammadrizo Bakhtiyorovich (Temporary acting) Chief Specialist in Archival Affairs
9 Makhsudov Umijon Tohirovich Head of the Department for attracting investments, working with entrepreneurs and coordinating their activities


Nabiev Otabek Valizhon ugli Chief specialist in attracting investments, working with entrepreneurs
11 Akhmedov Isomiddin Rustamovich Head of the Department of Diversification of Tourism Services and Infrastructure Development
12 Mamajonov Akhror Bakhtiyorovich Chief specialist in diversification of tourism services and infrastructure development
13 Mirzaev Shakhboz Homidullaevich Chief specialist for the development of inbound, domestic and pilgrimage tourism

Djuraev Bekzodbek Khairullaevich

Main specialist in work with PR, marketing research, international relations and ratings

15 Yuldashev Mukhtarjon Kosimovich General Counsel
16 Zokirova Nodira Anvarovna Chief specialist in the field of tourism and work with educational institutions
17 Tursunboev Davronjon Kakhramonovich Head of the economic part of the Department
18 Ermatov Bakhodirjon Muhammadiyorovich Executive Secretary
19 Dekhkonov Abrorzhon Tolipovich Driver
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