You can spend time on the beach lying on the hot sand not only for fun, but also to improve your health with the help of psammotherapy
Psammotherapy - (from Latin psammos-sand; therapia-treatment) - a method of treatment with heated sand. История возникновения
Psammotherapy (translated from Latin – sand treatment) was known in ancient times. The treatment with hot sand is mentioned in the works of Herodotus, Galen, and Avicenna. There is evidence that the Mayan Indians also knew about this amazing method. At the end of the century before last, psammotherapy began to spread in Europe, in particular, in Dresden, Dr. Fleming opened the first psammotherapy clinic, which successfully treated various diseases of the joints. In Russia, the first who began to use psammotherapy was the famous doctor Nikolai Vasilyevich pariysky, and in 1889 he even wrote a work on the benefits of sand baths for healing and strengthening the body.
Procedure psammotherapy
The psammotherapy procedure can be performed both on the beach and in a room where pre-heated sand is used for this purpose. The patient lies down on the hot sand, after which the entire body (except the head) is covered with a layer of sand in 5-6 cm, the stomach is covered with a thinner layer (1-2 cm), and the heart area is left free. It is very important that during the procedure, the head and uncovered part of the body are in a shaded place, for which you can use an umbrella. In case of any deterioration in health, the procedure should be stopped immediately, and then put a cold compress on the heart area.
Due to the soft action of sand baths, they are prescribed even for children and the elderly, and even people with cardiovascular diseases.
The total duration of the procedure is up to 30 minutes for adults and 15 minutes for children and the elderly. After completing the procedure, you need to take a cool shower (with a water temperature of 37-36°C), get dressed and relax a little (40-60 minutes, without going out in the sun). Procedures can be performed every other day or two days in a row with a mandatory break on the third day.
Healing properties of sand
From the course of physics, it is known that sand is an excellent conductor of heat, this, as well as its mechanical properties, are the basis of the method of psammotherapy. When in contact with the skin, hot sand quickly and evenly warms the person, which leads to increased sweating and increased metabolism. In addition, the heated sand exerts mechanical pressure on the skin, massaging it and the underlying tissues, and the person relaxes, feeling a pleasant warmth. The constant absorption of sweat by the sand protects the patient from overheating, which makes it easy to transfer the procedure.
Also, hot sand activates blood and lymph circulation, increases sweating, normalizes kidney function, reduces pain and increases the flow of oxidative processes in the body.
The range of application of psammotherapy is very wide, which is due to both the simplicity and high efficiency of the method, and a very small number of contraindications to use.
Psammotherapy is successfully applied:
in diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system
in some diseases of the respiratory system
for neuralgia, chronic neuritis and sciatica
with inflammation of the female genitals
to combat the effects of polio and rickets
for disorders of the peripheral nervous system
for chronic diseases of the digestive system
to combat overweight
In children, psammotherapy helps in the treatment of exudative diathesis, allergies and rickets.
Psammotherapy is contraindicated in:
Tuberculosis of the lungs
General exhaustion of the body or during the period of exacerbation of diseases with children under 3 years of age
in all cases when thermal procedures are contraindicated
and remember that self-treatment can lead to sad consequences even in the case of such a relatively safe procedure as psammotherapy, so before you independently engage in sand treatment, you need to enlist the recommendation of your doctor.
Addresses and contacts of companies providing certified psammotherapy services:
- “Bastom Buva” treatment with sand in the sandy coasts
Buvayda district, Ferghana region
+99895 400 00 36+99891 671 04 07
“Bastom Buva” conditions for treatment with sand are established in the sandy coasts
- "Zilkha sand" in Zilkha, Altiarik District, Fergana region
Sand treatment and therapeutic treatments in the sandy shores of the "Zilkha sands" in Zilkha
Unique plant and animal world of the object