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Government decrees, resolutions and orders of the government

Decisions and orders of the Government

1. "On issues of organizing the activities of the national company "Uzbektourism" " dated 20.10.1992, No. 484

2. "On the preparation and holding of the international tourism fair "Tourism on the silk road" " dated 02.03.1995, № 78

3. "On measures to create a modern infrastructure for international tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated 03.06.1995, No. 210

4. "On the procedure for entry, exit, stay and transit of foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated 21.11.1996, No. 408

5. "On improving the organization of tourist organizations" dated 08.08.1998, № 346

6. "On the regulation of issues of export and import of cultural property in the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated 23.03.1999, № 131

7. "On measures to improve the training system for tourism in Uzbekistan" dated 02.07.1999, No. 324

8. "On measures for further development of hotel business and international tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated 02.09.2002, no. 310

9. "On approval of the classification of enterprises and organizations related to business entities" dated 11.10.2003, No. 439

10. "On approval of the Regulations governing the circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors in the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated 29.10.2003, No. 472

11. "On further improvement of the activities of the national company "Uzbektourism" " dated 28.07.2004, no. 360

12. "On approval of the international agreement" dated 21.10.2004, No. 491

13. "On approval of the list of activities that individual entrepreneurs can engage in without forming a legal entity" dated 07.01.2011, No. 6

14. "On the program for the development of tourism in the Tashkent region for 2013-2015" dated 20.09.2013, № 259

15. "On measures to create additional tourist infrastructure facilities in the Khorezm region" dated 20.09.2013, No. 261

16. "On the program for the development of tourism in Kashkadarya region for the period 2013-2015" dated 01.11.2013, № 294

17. "On approval of regulation on order of renting tangible cultural heritage and adjacent territories with accepting investment obligations on their accomplishment and maintenance in proper condition" dated 06.03.2014 № 53

18. "About measures on development of roadside and tourist infrastructure" on 09.03.2015 G., No. 51

19. "On some issues of development of tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan" from 10.03.2015, No. 53

20. "On the program for the further development of the industrial potential of the Syrdarya region, the creation of modern facilities for providing services and ecotourism for 2015-2017" dated 07.08.2015, № 233

21. "On improving the procedure for import, export and transit through the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors, as well as control over their turnover" dated 12.11.2015, No. 330

22. "On approval of the Regulations on the procedure for import and export of medicines and medical devices by individuals for personal use" dated 08.06.2016, No. 191

23. "On measures for the transition to the international system of classification of economic activities" dated 24.08.2016, No. 275

24. "On measures for further support and development of tourism in the Republic of Uzbekistan" dated 15.03.2017, No. 137

25. "On approval of the regulations on the procedure for licensing tourist activities" dated 06.04.2017, No. 189

26. "On approval of the regulations on the procedure for certification of tour operators and hotel services" dated 05.06.2017, No. 355


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