Ферганский Государственный Университет

History of the University

      Fergana State University is considered one of the leading higher education institutions in Uzbekistan. As a university with a solid material base, it has been training highly qualified specialists for various spheres of the national economy and education system for more than 70 years, and has been conducting research work in fundamental areas of science.

      The history of the university's education is connected with the period of restoration of the national economy in the 30s of the last century, the development of the education system, the training of qualified personnel for various industries and, first of all, for public education. It was at this time that the Fergana Higher Pedagogical Institute was established on the basis of the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of Uzbekistan dated May 1, 1930. The opening of the institute in the Ferghana Valley was of great importance not only for the development of education, but also opened the way for the flourishing of science and culture. To date, this university has produced more than ten thousand highly qualified personnel for various sectors of the national economy.

      By the 80s of the last century, the production forces of the Ferghana region, as well as the entire Ferghana Valley, began to develop, along with this, the introduction of scientific and technological achievements into the national economy was of particular importance. The governing bodies of the region and the general public linked the solution of such problems as improving the level of science and technology in the Ferghana Valley, the proper use of scientific potential in the development of industry and the national economy with the renaming of the Ferghana Pedagogical Institute to the university. By the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 1, 1991 on the "Establishment of Ferghana State University", the Ferghana Pedagogical Institute was given the status of Ferghana State University.

       Since that time, there have been major structural changes in the system of this educational institution. New faculties, departments and several specialties have been opened. Since the 1991-1992 academic year, training in the following new specialties has begun at FerGU: applied sociology, psychology, law, rational use of natural resources and environmental protection, economics and management, economics and social planning, biotechnics and medical devices.

      The teaching staff has improved significantly. In the 1991-1992 academic year, 545 teachers taught students at the university. Of these, 19 have an academic degree – Doctor of Sciences, and 208 – Candidate of Sciences.

        If in the 1991-1992 academic year 1178 students were admitted to the university, of which 5053 were full-time students, then in the 2002-2003 academic year 2040 bachelors and 115 masters were admitted, which amounted to 8181 people, of which 1650 were studying part-time department.

         The university management paid serious attention to improving the structure of the teaching staff, which influenced the increase in the number of doctors and candidates of science, associate professors and professors. By the 2007-2008 academic year, out of 546 teachers, 32 were awarded the scientific degrees of Doctor of Science and Professor, and 140 - Candidate of Science and Associate Professor. This result had a positive impact on the quality of the educational process.

        Over the years of independence, university teachers have improved their qualifications not only in our country, but also abroad. During 1991-2007 More than a hundred professors, teachers, researchers and graduate students, having visited countries such as the USA, France, England, Germany, Japan, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Turkey, South Korea and Russia, got acquainted with their education system.

        In the “National Personnel Training Program”, master's degree is a special stage of education. Since 2000, the university has opened a master's program in the following specialties: differential equations, physiology of humans and animals, botany, inorganic chemistry, theoretical physics, economics of industries, literary criticism, linguistics, history of the Motherland, methods of sociological research. In 2002, the first 20 people graduated from the Master's program. In 2003, master's programs were opened in new areas, their number reached 16.

      If today the university operates postgraduate courses in 14 specialties and doctoral studies in two areas, this indicates that the university has a continuous system for training highly qualified personnel.

Our contacts
1501000 г. Фергана, ул . А. Навои, 17
+998 73 244-14-74; +998 73 244-14-40