Хазира Модарихан



            Хазира Модарихан  Women representatives of the Khan dynasty are buried in Khazira Modarikhan (Khan's mother). Only the entrance portal-domed volume (7.5 X 8.7 m) with two faceted towers erected at the corners of the main facade has been preserved from the complex. Unlike the previous complex, the proportions are more elegant and the decor of the portal is much more refined, where a mosaic tiled geometric pattern is combined with a delicate majolica, delicate floral ornament and gancha stalactite filling of a pointed niche. On the right side of the portal, on one of the hexagonal tiles, the architect left the date of construction 1241 AH (1825) under the glaze. The dome decoration in the interior is original, which is decorated with a spiral-ribbed ganch pattern.

          The compositional technique and decorative solution of these necropolises embodied the local traditions of the late memorial architecture of Ferghana.


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