Медресе Саид Ахмад-Ходжа

Медресе Саид Ахмад-Ходжа Madrasah Said Ahmad-Khoja was built at the end of the 19th century. This is one of the “youngest” monuments of Margilan, which is just over 200 years old. The madrasah is characterized by harmonious composition, proportionality of building elements and rational designs. The basis of the complex is the madrasah itself and the mosque, consisting of a hall and an ivan with painted ceilings.

The Said Ahmad-Khoja madrasah is distinguished by its not entirely traditional architecture: both Eastern and European techniques were used in its construction. Thus, inside the square courtyard there is a mosque, and the courtyard itself with rows of pointed arches along the perimeter is surrounded by hudjras, which is a typical layout for the eastern architecture of such buildings. The building was built of baked brick, but, taking into account local seismic conditions, the craftsmen strengthened the walls of the mosque, in a European style, with a double-row wooden frame, which made it possible to visually expand the interior space of the room.

The ceiling of the hall is painted with wide red and green stripes, on which flowers and climbing shoots stand out. The internal walls are divided by elegant geometric patterns using ganch on rectangular panels, in the plane of which a mihrab niche is highlighted.

In 2007, the building of the Said Akhmad-Khoja madrasah was reconstructed, a wide road was built to the monument, and a garden was laid out around it. Old plane trees with spreading crowns and a wide irrigation ditch flowing through the courtyard of the madrasah create shade and coolness on hot days.

The Said Ahmad-Khoja Madrasah is an active one, where believers study the Koran and Hadith, and in the 26 hudjras, in which students of the madrasah lived two centuries ago, there are now workshops of local artisans who engage in weaving, gold embroidery, wood carving and embossing.

Our contacts
1501000 г. Фергана, ул . А. Навои, 17
+998 73 244-14-74; +998 73 244-14-40