Мечеть Джахонабад

Jakhonabad Mosque

Jakhonabad Mosque, according to Rishtan old-timers, it was built in 1912 by local craftsmen on the order of the rich man Madali Bobo. The work was supervised by Usto Isabay Khodzhiev, and the painting was done by Kokand masters Usto Boy-Bobo and his son Usto Gani.

The building, square in plan (15.2 x 15.6 m), consists of a rectangular two-column hall and a slightly larger ivan on the eastern side. In the center of the western wall of the ivan there is a mihrab, two windows and two doors are located symmetrically. Above the mihrab, four squares of the ceiling are raised, forming an ivan - a high terrace. In the hall there was a pointed mihrab and a number of niches that served for books, hats, lamps, etc. The mosque was built from adobe and wood.

The interior of the hall and the summer part are plastered with ganch. The walls of the ivan are divided into panels and painted with floral ornaments. One of them shows a tilted blue willow tree. The upper part of the walls is decorated with a geometric pattern — girih, made in ultramarine color on a white background. The ornamented ceiling plafonds in the center contain a stalactite recess.

The Jahonabad Mosque is a type of religious building with a one-sided aivan with a peculiar decoration of the aivan and traditional ceiling paintings.


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