Мечеть Ходжа Илгор

 Мечеть Ходжа Илгор Khoja Ilgor Mosque, early 20th century. built to order Shokira Mingbashi; The main work was performed by father and son - the mouth of Eshonkhon and the mouth of Noribai.

Perennial plane trees, tal, elm and other trees shade the adjacent territory and create a picturesque landscape, into which the mosque fits in limitedly, opened by a multi-columned ivan, giving it lightness. In the park, east of the mosque, there is an artificial reservoir - hauz.

The building is symmetrical and rectangular in plan (40 x 13 m). The winter three-column hall is surrounded by a three-sided ivan. Mihrabs in the form of pointed niches were made in the western wall of the hall and under the canopy.

The architects paid a lot of attention to the decoration of the ceiling. The ornamentation is strictly architectural, the design is subordinate to the boundaries and contours of the architectural element being filled. The wide range of colors in the coloring of lush plant patterns is striking.

The cornice line has a three-step shape, rising towards the central axis on which the mihrab is located. For faceted columns, the bases are highlighted with a geometric shape and the elements of the support beams are figuredly processed.

The Khoja Ilgor Mosque is a typical example of a Fergana multi-columned, frontally open religious building. What is attractive about ceiling paintings is the clear, graphic, well-proportioned pattern and rich coloring.


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